Cisco Vpn Write For Us
A virtual private network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to the web. The encrypted connection helps ensure that sensitive data is safely transmitted. It prevents unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the traffic and allows users to work remotely. VPN technology is widely used in corporate environments.
A VPN is a private network created by tunneling through a public network, usually the Internet. A VPN is a communications environment where access is strictly controlled to allow peer connections within a defined community of interest. A site-to-site VPN is created when the devices on both sides of the VPN connection know the VPN settings in advance, as shown in the illustration.
How Does A Virtual Private Network (VPN) Work?
a VPN uses virtual connections routed over the Internet from an organization’s private network to the remote site or employee host. Information from a private network is transported securely across the public network to form a virtual network.
Security is compulsory in today’s generation because of emerging threats initiated by hackers ready to compromise your network and resources. There are three states of data that we need to protect – data at rest, data in use, and data in transit. Data in transit is more vulnerable to attacks as the data will travel outside your protected network. The best and cheapest option to protect our data in transit is using Virtual Private Network (VPN). Cisco VPN solutions are offered as well.
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